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The CheckMate Infidelity Test Kit actually detects traces of dried semen left in undergarments after sex


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 semen detection test kit



The CheckMate Infidelity Test Kit actually detects traces of dried semen left in undergarments after sex

Do you suffer from the nightmare of suspicion and doubt caused by the suspected infidelity of a cheating spouse? Find out  what's really going on, the quick and easy  way, with the CheckMate semen detection test kit. The CheckMate semen detection test kit is an " absolutely amazing" product that you use on her underwear to quickly and easily  monitor sexual activity outside of the relationship

The easy to use CheckMate semen detection test kit has been described as the ultimate men's product and  provides instant test results without damaging or staining the article being tested. 

The patented CheckMate semen detection test kit is designed  exclusively for ease of use and is the most conclusive test for the presence of male semen.  Was it just lady's night out? Was she faithful on that business trip? Find out! With CheckMate - "She brings the evidence home to you without even knowing it!" Test 10 or more articles for only $49.95

Is that a semen stain in her underwear? Find out in 5 minutes or less with CheckMate!

for women

The CheckMate Semen Detection Test Kit

Instantly detects traces of dried semen that can be found in her underwear after sex!

She brings the evidence home to you without even knowing it 


This is the original  CheckMate test kit. Like the home pregnancy test before it, the patented CheckMate semen detection test kit has now increased the information gathering capabilities of the average consumer to a level never before seen. That's why CheckMate is called "the worlds most powerful men's product."

After sex all women experience what is commonly referred to as "flowback."  This causes the semen that was deposited by her male partner during intercourse to slowly flow back out of the woman's body, resulting in dried semen stains in her undergarments. These dried semen stains can then be detected with the CheckMate semen detection test kit. 

All you have to do is wait until she gets home, and at a time that is convenient for you, just do this easy to perform test. Even if she's been gone for the weekend or away on a business trip, all you do is obtain the unwashed article and do this easy to perform test.

The CheckMate semen detection test kit also works on sheets, towels, upholstery, and any other surface or material without fear of damage or stain.

If you're in a situation where you need this product, you are also in a situation where you need accurate results. The CheckMate semen detection test kit is a unique one of a kind product that revolutionized an entire industry and is considered to be the most conclusive biological test for the presence of semen in undergarments. Not only is CheckMate absolutely the most accurate semen detection testing  product ever created, the product is so unique it was even awarded a U.S. Patent.

You will not detect yourself with this product! 
Checking your wife's underwear for traces of another guy's semen is a serious subject that should not be taken lightly. The CheckMate test kit is the only proprietary product designed exclusively for the purpose of testing underwear for traces of semen while inside a marital or relationship environment. CheckMate is a purpose built product designed exclusively for ease of use by untrained consumers and contains proprietary information as well a unique patented formula that eliminates the possibility of false positive test results

The revolutionary CheckMate Infidelity Test Kit  comes with everything you need

Each test kit can test 5 or more articles of clothing and you get a second test kit free in every box. Test 10 or more stains for the presence of semen for around $5.00 each. 

Every package also includes a discount coupon from one of the nations leading DNA testing facilities. By taking advantage of our long standing partnerships with laboratories around the world, men can actually "exclude" themselves as the semen "donor" using the most powerful DNA testing procedures available today.


for men

Women. This is the original CheckMate test kit. The revolutionary home use semen detection product that has been changing lives around the world since 1999. Just like the home pregnancy test did before it, the original CheckMate semen detection test kit has increased the information gathering capabilities of the average consumer to a level never before seen, while at the same time having a profound impact on our society. Now you don't have to be lied to anymore!

For women this amazing product has the ability to extend your reach far beyond the walls of your own home. If your intuition tells you something just isn't right or if you just want to find out what that stain really is. The original CheckMate semen detection test kit is the answer you've been looking for. Get CheckMate and find out what's really going on today. 

Here's how it works 
Men can continue to secrete small amounts of semen for up to 2 hours or more after each sexual encounter. Because of this, men will have traces of dried semen present in their undergarments after each ejaculation.

Even if a man uses a condom during sexual intercourse or even if he only engages in oral sex, there will still be traces of semen in his underwear. As long as the article to be tested has not been washed, traces of dried semen will remain present for very long periods of time, so any item that you think may have been stained as the result of recent sexual activity can quickly and easily be tested with CheckMate.

For women, the very most import factors to consider when using this product are the size and location of the stain in the underwear itself, as well as the circumstances surrounding the suspected semen stain. 

Say for example you discover one small localized stain at the bottom of the underwear. This may indicate dripping after masturbation. But, if you happen to find a stain in the upper waist band area of the underwear, this would more than likely indicate he was at least semi erect, and may have pulled his pants back up quickly after ejaculating. 

Semen stains in the waistband area of the undergarment are usually accompanied by several other semen stains that were deposited  in various locations as the erection subsided, as well as a fairly large stain at the bottom.

He brings the evidence home to you and doesn't even know it 
Everyone's situation is different...

This is really, really simple... Say for example, he left the house on Sunday afternoon, and told you he was going to play golf. Then, when he came home and took a shower, you got his underwear and did the test. If any semen was present, what is he going to say? I was masturbating on the golf course ? A woman's intuition combined with this easy to use home test kit make for one complete investigation.

Remember. You're not always looking for a positive test result. Hopefully he's not cheating and your test will be negative. Either way, that's the beauty of this amazing product. Now you can end the nightmare of suspicion and doubt and find out what's really going on in 5 minutes or less with the CheckMate 5 Minute Semen Detection Test Kit. It really works!

  • Be the first to know instead of the last
  • Why spend endless hours wondering and worrying?
  • CheckMate is a screening tool that gives you the advantage
  • Imagine the possibilities
  • Don't wait until it's 5 years to late
  • Start planning  your future knowing you're doing the right thing
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Second test kit included free


The CheckMate Infidelity Test Kit actually detects traces of dried semen left in undergarments after sex


semen detection test kit


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The CheckMate Infidelity Test Kit actually detects traces of dried semen left in undergarments after sex


semen detection test kit

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In stock ready for pick up

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Test 10 or more articles for only $59.95


Saliva, Semen, Urine


in stock now click here for more info

MicroBlue (568003) in stock now



Illuminate body fluids, fluorescent-powdered fingerprints and trace evidence with an alternate light source that is as effective as the big units but fits in your pocket and in your budget.





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